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April 18, 2020 08:29

Neighborhoods with many convenience stores appear to have a higher incidence of teenage obesity than others, according to a study by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs.

Male youngsters also tend to be more obese if they spend long hours playing games on their phones or watching TV. As elsewhere, the poorer the family they come from, the more likely they are to get fat from physical inactivity, sugary drinks and junk food.

But there was no obvious correlation with nearby fast-food outlets or the fact that both parents went to work.

The study covered 4,240 high school students nationwide from 2013 to 2015.

Some 269 or 6.3 percent were obese, while 466 or 11 percent were overweight.

Park So-youn at Kyonggi University said, "The more convenience stores there are in a neighborhood, the more carbonated drinks and junk food teens consume, which makes them more obese."

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